CFP: Television/Media Sound & Music

CFP: Television/Media Sound & Music (collection)
From: Graeme Harper

The Continuum Companion to Sound in Film and the Visual Media
Opportunities for Chapters on Television/Media Sound and/or Music
Deadline: January 15th 2007

The "Continuum Companion to Sound in Film and the Visual Media", aims to be the most comprehensive companion available to sound and music in film, media and new media. It will eventually consist of around 300,000 words by expert contributors from around the world.

Chapters to date include those on such topics as: key TV/Film/New Media composer studies (John Williams, Randy Newman, Aaron Copland, Danny Elfman, Hitchcock & Hermann, Philip Glass, Murch and Burtt . . .); TV news music; TV musicals; MTV; Reality television; Talent shows; Advertising music; the click track; Early Film Sound; the Synthesizer; BBC Sound History; Voice; African-American Film Music; Sound Design; the Evolving Soundtrack; Videogame Music; The History of Sound Technology; "Silence" in Film; Sound in Indian Cinema.

This final call is for Chapters relating to television sound and/or music.

Other topics might be considered; but television topics (Eg. historical or technological or contextual topics. Eg. specific period or show based. Eg. specific network based, technology based) are currently considered the most likely (ie. the aim is to fill final gaps in the Companion's coverage).

Please send proposed title and 100-wd. abstract to ASAP.


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