Film Studies Journals

I am curious: is Framework dead? The website declares it a bi-annual publication, but the last issue is from Fall 08.

To be honest, I've had a hard time keeping up. Lately I've been wondering if I read enough journals (I suspect not) and if I might be missing a significant read (very likely). I keep up with Cinema Journal and Screen upon each issue's release and regularly check out Film History, Camera Obscura, Quarterly Review of Film and Video, and Velvet Light Trap.

From there it gets spottier. The popular-academic crossover journals like Film Quarterly and Jump Cut I do not get to as much as I'd like. Some I consult to rejuvenate my perspective with neighboring disciplines: Flow, Journal of Television and New Media, or Journal of Visual Culture. Film and History, Film Criticism, Scope, Journal of Film and Video, and Journal of Popular Film and Television all seem to speak directly to my scholarly interests, yet I rarely find myself reading them, in part because some of them publish scholars housed in other fields. There are, too, the specialized journals dedicated to subfields like animation, adaptation, audience studies, or screenwriting - interesting, but harder to devote time to for generalist purposes.

ScreenSite has a useful, comprehensive list of screen studies journals, yet an inclusive list in this context can actually have disadvantages compared to a more restrictive list. In general, I tend to privilege peer-reviewed or at least rigorous academic journals (since there are professional and practical reasons to focus on that) and not to put much emphasis on open access (since I have a university affiliation and a good library at my fingertips). However, one needs only read bloggers Girish Shambu or Catherine Grant to see the appeal of an alternate stance on either count.

What makes readers' regular and occasional reading lists?


Anonymous said…
Hi Chris-

Two that come to mind for me:

New Review of Film and Television Studies
Projections: The Journal for Movies and Mind

Ted Nannicelli
Brian Harrington said…
Framework's still alive and kicking. There should be a double issue out before the end of the year.

Brian Harrington
Project MUSE
Chris Cagle said…
Brian, good to hear.

Ted, thanks for the recs. Hope all is well with you.

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