Conferences Summer 2016 edition

Here is my current list of English-language conferences of interest to those in film studies (and some for TV and media studies). Upcoming conferences are listed in order by date or, for open calls, by abstract due date. Please let me know if I should add anything.  I will update this post throughout the summer and early fall.

This is the slow season - lots of conferences being held, but few calls. The big exception of course is SCMS

Closed calls:
The Annual Conference of the Film Studies Association of Canada May 31 -June 2, 2016 the University of Calgary, Theme: “Energizing Communities” [website]
Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Images (SCSMI) Cornell Univ, Ithica, NY, June 1st – 4th, 2016 [website]
ICA - Fukuoka, Japan June 9-13, 2016 [website]
Console-ing Passions, Notre Dame University, Indiana, June 16-18, 2016 [website]
Screen - Univ of Glasgow, June 24-26, 2016 [website]
NECS - Potsdam, July 26-30, 2016 [website]
UFVA - Las Vegas, August 1-4, 2016 [website]
Visible Evidence XXIII - Bozeman, Montana, Aug 11-14, 2016 Theme: "New Frontiers in Documentary" [website | call]
Flow Conference, Austin, Texas, September 15-17, 2016 [website]
Literature/Film Association Annual Conference, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, October 13-16, 2016 [website]
MLA - Philadelphia, January 5-8, 2017  [website]

Current calls:
due date: Sept 1, 2016  SCMS - Chicago, Mar 22-26, 2017 [website]

Upcoming calls:
MLA - New York, January , 2018
Console-ing Passions, East Carolina Univ., July 27-29, 2017
ICA 2017 - San Diego, California, 25-29 May 2017


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