The Chronicle on Publishing

I don't find that the Chronicle of Higher Ed's articles on film and media studies are all that enlightening - they're more about communicating news of the disciplines to a general academic audience. But currently there are a couple of articles on academic publishing worth looking at.

First is the news of what Chuck Tryon and others have already been talking about: the formation of Media Commons, an electronic publishing platform that Kathleen Fitzpatrick started for media studies work. Frankly, I don't foresee multimedia publication really working for film scholarship just because of tight copyright issues - and presumably that other old medium, television, will face similar hurdles - but I'll be curious to see what direction the new venture takes, and I wish it success.

Second is a decent advice article on what editors are looking for in publishing academic books. Geared toward the first-book author, it's probably not all that different from what you've heard before, but since I mentioned advice books on the topic before, you'd be almost as well off reading the Chronicle piece and saving the purchase price for Revising Your Dissertation.

Now, I just need to stay away from the cesspool of loathing and self-doubt that is their Careers forum.


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