Voices in Contemporary Documentary project

I've kept up this blog with announcements and occasional methodological reflections, but now seems like a good time to revisit the film-based research blogging I’ve done with the 1947 Project and get back to writing more regularly here. I’m not abandoning the 1947 viewing but I’m taking a break from it as I transition into a new research project on documentary. 

So I’ll be starting my Voices in Contemporary Documentary project. The idea is to feature short posts, roughly a new one each week, on a different recent documentary or nonfiction work. It may be major documentary releases, but I am hoping to highlight harder-to-see work from festivals or galleries. Some of this may not be readily available, but I will try to provide video or streaming sources where possible.

In the process, this blogging project gives me an chance to see what is going on in documentary today, without starting from an overly prescriptive aesthetic (though clearly I have certain tastes) or from either popular or academic canons. 

For more on my approach to documentary criticism, read here. There is also this earlier round up of recent European docs I like. 


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