New Venture: Festival Documentary blog

I want to announce that I've compiled my blog writing and ongoing work on contemporary documentary at a new website, titled simply The Festival Documentary. I expect this to serve as an online companion to my book project of the same title. I will continue to cross-post content here at Category D.

By "festival documentary," I mean a distinct style of documentary geared toward film festival exhibition. The more I watch documentaries that play on the festival circuit, the more I am convinced that they comprise distinct genres, from the poetic and observational to the character-driven documentary. These genres labels are still not widely used among documentary scholars, and I hope to make the case for their utility.

The website will feature blog of reflections on contemporary documentaries, a filmography of films I've watched for the project, and a collection of relevant reviews. Currently, the filmography is a work in progress, which I will continue to flesh out, but ultimately it will allow for a more dynamic sorting of documentaries by genre, year, and possibly country or festival.

Finally, one goal I have in writing on these films is to bring a bigger audience to films that sometimes have a short exhibition life on the festival circuit. The more attention I can bring to these works, the better.

As always, I welcome feedback and suggestions for viewing.


Unknown said…
Awesome!!!! Will be following this for sure.

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